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我的大签(学签Study Permit或工签Work Permit)还在有效期内,但小签(Temporary Resident Visa)已经过期了。如果我有美签,但我的加拿大小签过期了,我是否可以去美国玩,然后再回到加拿大呢?


此外,这种从美国进入加拿大的方式,仅限于陆路的方式,例如从Niagara falls的Rainbow bridge开车或坐车从美国入境加拿大,也可以通过走路从桥上走回加拿大。这些并不保证一定就能入境,加拿大海关也会有可能问一些问题,和需要入境者出示相关的文件予以证明在加拿大的合法居留身份等等。


Expired temporary resident visa

You can request to return to Canada on your original temporary resident visa, even if it is expired, if:

  - you will only visit the U.S. or St. Pierre and Miquelon; and

  - you will return to Canada before the end of your approved stay in Canada.

An officer will confirm whether you meet all the requirements before allowing you to come back to Canada. If you visit any country other than those listed above, you will need a new temporary resident visa.

如果你有多次往返的小签,信息如下:Multiple-entry temporary resident visa

Yes, you can come back to Canada, if you have a multiple-entry temporary resident visa and it has not expired.

注意移民局官网上的细节用词  you can request to return 和 you can come back


移民法 R 190

Visa exemption — purpose of entry

· (3) A foreign national is exempt from the requirement to obtain a temporary resident visa if they are seeking to enter and remain in Canada solely to re-enter Canada following a visit solely to the United States or St. Pierre and Miquelon, if they

o (i) held a study permit or a work permit that was issued before they left Canada on such a visit or were authorized to enter and remain in Canada as a temporary resident, and

o (ii) return to Canada by the end of the period initially authorized for their stay or any extension to it

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